Observation of highly vibrationally excited X̃ 1Σ+ HCP by stimulated emission pumping spectroscopy

We have recorded stimulated emission pumping (SEP) spectra of highly vibrationally excited methinophosphide (HCP) at 16 000 cm1–19 000 cm1 above the zero‐point energy of the linear X̃ 1Σ+ ground electronic state. These vibrational levels have most of their energy localized in the bending coordinate. The turning point in the bending vibration brings the H atom approximately halfway (∠HCP∼90°) from HCP to another chemical network, HPC. The SEP spectra of large‐amplitude‐bending states, (0,26,0), (0,28,0), and (0,30,0), and of bending–C≡P stretching combination states, (0,24,1) and (0,26,1), have enabled us to determine rotation–vibration spectroscopic constants for highly vibrationally excited X̃ 1Σ+ HCP. The rotational structure of HCP shows that B values change byg22 (eff ) constant, which reflects the energy difference between purely planar (l=0) versus slightly elliptical (l=2) bending, increases only 12% from (0,2,0) to (0,30,0), thus illustrating the surprisingly harmonic appearance of the vibrational motion even at this high energy.