A fistulous connection between the subarachnoid space of the spinal canal and the pleural space is evidently a rare pathological entity. We have been unable to find a previous account of this condition in the literature. We feel, therefore, that the following case report should be of interest. A 19-year-old paraplegic man was admitted to the Chicago State Tuberculosis Sanitarium on Oct. 31, 1955, because of a right pleural effusion. The history revealed that he had had no significant illness until 1952, when he received a thoracoabdominal gunshot wound. This wound made an emergency exploratory laparotomy necessary and also was the cause of his present paraplegia. Since the onset of paraplegia he had developed chronic urinary tract infection and decubitus ulcers. Examination revealed paraplegia of the lower extremities and skin anesthesia from the level of the 10th thoracic segment down. There was a surgical scar on the upper part of

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