The influence of nesting habitat on reproductive success of the lesser snow goose

The quality of nesting habitat and the influence of vegetation height on reproductive success of the lesser snow goose (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) were examined. In 1984, geese nesting in tall willow bushes (Salix ssp.) were more successful than individuals nesting in shorter willows, or in areas with no willows at all. In particular, individuals nesting in tall willows lost fewer eggs to depredation or abandonment, resulting in a greater number of goslings leaving the nest after hatch. The effect of willow height on reproductive success was independent of female age and relative nest initiation date, both of which are known to affect reproductive success. The degree of the habitat effect was not as great in 1986, but the geese nesting in willow bushes did tend to have greater reproductive success. Since spring environmental conditions influence both the availability and quality of nest sites, the potential importance of the effect of nesting habitat on reproductive success probably varies among years.