Multiplexed 256 Element Ingaas Detector Arrays For 0.8-1.7 um Room-Temperature Operation

Indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) photodetectors have been configured into linear arrays of 30 x 30 micron photodetectors spaced 50 um apart. The devices have typical responsivities of 0.9 NW (86% QE) at 1.3 μm and exhibit room temperature dark currents below 100 pA. A 256 element array has been mounted in a Reticon multiplexer and configured into a PAR optical multichannel analyzer to extend spectral response out to 1.7 urn. Individual InGaAs detectors have been fabricated for response out to 2.2 urn with dark current below 1 uA (-1V) and 50% QE at room temperature.

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