During the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington, a pyroclastic surge introduced large volumes of coarse woody debris (CWD) and fine‐grained sediment to Clearwater Creek, approximately 15 km northeast of the summit. Effects of controlled CWD removal on sediment storage, substrate, and pool frequency and volume were measured in four reaches, each with three 200‐m segments, from 1982 to 1990. In each reach the upstream segment served as a control with no debris removal, and CWD was totally and selectively removed from the other two segments. Unique among similar experiments are the large size and volume of CWD and the large inputs of fine‐grained sediment. Except for segments of two reaches that received debris torrents, the Clearwater channel thalweg scoured until 1985. In three reaches, total debris removal caused additional scour and coarsening of the bed surface compared to segments with no or partial debris removal. Pools contracted from 1982 to 1985 and expanded afterward, especially in control segments. Total debris removal apparently caused pools to become shallower and, in segments of low sinuosity, decreased the frequency of major pools. Habitat complexity decreased after total debris removal, as indicated by a decrease in the standard deviation of residual depth and an increase in the size of substrate patches.