Following the injn. of BAL into rats, a sharp rise in the urinary excretion of neutral S occurs in the first 24 hrs. after injn., the increases representing 40-60% of the S injected as BAL. There is no increase in ethereal sulfate excretion after injn., so that rats do not conjugate BAL with H2SO4. However, a marked and persistent rise in inorganic sulfate excretion occurs. This appears to be due rather to increased breakdown of tissues caused by the injury produced by the injn. of BAL, than to oxidation of BAL-S to sulfate. Injns. of BAL cause increased excretions of glucuronic acid in the urine of rats in the first 24 hrs. after injn., suggesting that BAL is excreted as a glucuronide by this species. No such increase was found in rabbits.