Computed tomography and lymphography in the presurgical staging of early carcinoma of the uterine cervix

The value of bipedal lymphography and computed tomography (CT) in the presurgical staging of early carcinoma of the uterine cervix was analysed in 62 patients by histologic examination of pelvic lymph nodes and parametrial extension at the time of surgery. Macroscopic invasion of the lymph nodes was detected in 33% of the patients by CT and in 17% by lymphography. Microscopic invasion was suspected in 9% by CT scan and in 38% by lymphography. Physical examination with measurement of the tumor diameter was more predictive for regional extension of the disease as compared to lymphography and CT. CT may detect subclinical parametrial invasion but overestimation of the extent of the disease is common. Bipedal lymphography and CT add only limited information to the routine presurgical staging of cancer of the uterine cervix.