Teleseismic travel times have been recorded along a north‐south traverse across the Musgrave Block and southern Amadeus Basin of central Australia. Strongly azimuth‐dependent variations of up to 1.0 s have been recorded over distances of < 10 km. These observations impose constraints on deep crustal and upper mantle structure, and a major discontinuity, with substantial offsets in the Moho depth, is required across the Woodroffe and Mann Faults. The inferred structure is consistent with gravity observations and is similar to that deduced for the Redbank Deformed Zone in the southern Arunta Block. Other significant teleseismic travel‐time anomalies occur across the Wintiginna and Lindsay magnetic lineaments in the central part of the Musgrave Block and imply the occurrence of additional faults that cut through the crust and which are associated with Moho offsets.