Influence of Amino Acids on Growth of Datura Embryos in Culture

0.1 to 0.25 mm. long heart embryos of D. inoxia and D. stramonium were dissected out and grown in a basal medium with or without the addition of casein hydrolysate or one or more amino acids. Casein hydrolysate with cysteine and tryptophane markedly improved growth and differentiation. A growth equal to that with casein hydrolysate was achieved with a mixture of 20 amino acids in approx. their proportions in the casein hydrolysate. Growth values for lesser mixtures and for single amino acids were well below those for the 20 amino acids and suggest that the growth stimulus of the latter results from physiol. interactions rather than from the summation of effects. Characteristic patterns of differentiation for each species appeared with some mixtures and with some individual acids. Balance of amino acids is thought to be a controlling influence on growth and differentiation of plant embryos.