Conjoint gradient correction to the Hartree-Fock kinetic- and exchange-energy density functionals

Becke [J. Chem. Phys. 84, 4524 (1986); Phys. Rev. A 38, 3098 (1988)] has shown that the Hartree-Fock exchange energy for atoms (and molecules) can be excellently represented by a formula K=21/3 Cx F Jσ ρσ4/3(r)[1+βG(xσ)]dr, where Cx is the Dirac constant, β is a constant, G(x) is a function of the gradient-measuring variable xσ=‖∇ρσ‖/ρ4/3, and the summation is over spin densities ρσ. Becke recommends G(xσ)=xσ2/[1+0.0253xσ sinh1(xσ)]. It is demonstrated that the kinetic energy can be represented with comparable accuracy by the formula T=22/3 CF F Jσ ρσ5/3(r)[1+αG(xσ)]dr, where CF is the Thomas-Fermi constant, α is a constant, and G(x) is just the same function that appears in the formula for K. Recommended values, obtained by fitting data on rare-gas atoms, are α=4.4188×103, β=4.5135×103. The best α-to-β ratio, 0.979, is close to unity, and calculations with α=β=4.3952×103 are shown to give remarkably accurate values for both T and K. It is briefly discussed how the above-noted equations for K and T can both result from scaling arguments and a simple assumption about the first-order density matrix.