During the last three skiing seasons we have treated a total of 105 children in our clinical wards for skull-brain injuries caused by skiing accidents. 25 of these cases (25.2%) were operated on, mostly because of a depressed fracture (92%) with or without brain lesion/bleeding, which the children incurred by colliding with various obstacles. Uncontrolled excessive speed and careless skiing methods are the main reasons for these injuries. However, the responsibility for the increasing number of skisport-connected skull-brain injuries does not lie with the children alone, but more so with us grown-ups, i.e. the parents, teachers and physicians, as long as we do not preach and emphatically insist on the implementation of indirect and direct specific measures of accident prevention. Based on an analysis of typical injuries and their many causes we come to the conclusion that, aside from the usual precautions, only one simple, sensible and effective prevention of skull-brain injuries is feasible, namely the "protection helmet". Similar to the existing crash-helmet law for motorcylists and just like for the professional skiracers, whom the children try to imitate more and more with regard to style and speed, we earnestly urge legislation to make the wearing of a protective helmet compulsory for all skiers up to 17 years of age.