Kohn-Sham equations for multicomponent systems are derived in a rigorous way that permits the precise definition and discussion of the exchange and correlation energy, of the system as a functional of the densities of the components. In the case of a two-component electron-ion system, with ne,nI the electron and ion densities, the exchange and correlation energy of the system Exc[ne,nI] is composed of Exc[ne] the electron-electron exchange and correlation energy, ExcII[nI] the ion-ion exchange and correlation energy, and EceI[ne,nI] the electron-ion correlation energy. Exc[ne] is exactly the functional encountered in the Kohn-Sham theory of electronic systems. The behavior of ExcII[nI] is investigated in the limit of a large ion mass and its relation with Exc[ne], for ne=nI, is discussed. The structure of EceI[ne,nI] is analyzed in the adiabatic approximation. In the special case of perfectly localized ion densities, ExcII[nI] results in a self-interaction correction while EceI[ne,nI] vanishes.