Vibrational Analysis of a Molecular Heme−Copper Assembly with a Nearly Linear FeIII−CN−CuII Bridge: Insight into Cyanide Binding to Fully Oxidized Cytochrome c Oxidase

The complete vibrational analysis of [(1-MeIm)Fe(OEP)-CN-Cu(Me(6)tren)](2+) (1), which has been constructed as a model for the cyanide-ligated binuclear center in the respiratory protein cytochrome c oxidase, has been carried out. The resonance Raman spectra (lambda(exc) = 647 nm) and the mid-infrared spectra display three cyanide isotope-dependent vibrational modes. Two vibrations showed monotonic decreases with increasing mass of the cyanide ligand (2182-2137-2146-2101 cm(-)(1) and 535-526-526-520 cm(-)(1), respectively, for the (12)C(14)N-(13)C(14)N-(12)C(15)N-(13)C(15)N isotopomers), and could thus be assigned to the C&tbd1;N and Fe-CN-Cu stretching vibrations, respectively. The third vibration, detected with resonance Raman, showed a zigzag-type behavior (495-487-493-485 cm(-)(1) with the set of isotopomers above) with the frequency being more sensitive to (13)C labeling of the cyanide ligand than with (15)N labeling. This pattern of isotopic dependence is characteristic of a bending vibration. Additionally, with the same laser excitation frequency, the C&tbd1;N stretching mode was observed, which is the first time that this vibration has been detected in the resonance Raman spectrum of a synthetic heme-cyanide complex. The normal coordinate analysis showed marked differences between bridged and unbridged heme-cyanide complexes. Internal coordinates that are orthogonal in unbridged systems are significantly mixed in the bridged model, despite the overall linearity of the Fe-CN-Cu moiety. These measurements strengthen the proposal that cyanide bridges the two metal atoms in the cyanide-ligated, oxidized binuclear center of cytochrome c oxidase. A quantitative consideration of the vibrational characteristics of cyanide bound to the resting enzyme, in light of our model compound results, strongly suggests that the binuclear center is flexible and can undergo structural rearrangement to accommodate exogenous ligands. This is likely to be of mechanistic importance in both dioxygen reduction and proton translocation.

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