We propose and demonstrate a novel corona discharge method for the fabrication of bulk periodically poled MgO‐LiNbO3 substrates. The bulk periodic domain inversion has been successfully formed with a first‐order modulation period of 5.2 μm for a wavelength of 980 nm over a 6.5 mm interaction length in a Z‐cut 0.4‐mm‐thick MgO‐LiNbO3 substrate for the first time. It was found that MgO‐LiNbO3 crystal is capable of forming domain inversion under a low applied voltage of no more than 6 kV/mm, which is lower than the case of LiNbO3 and LiTaO3. A 490 nm blue light power of 6.7 mW was achieved in a single pass through periodically poled MgO‐LiNbO3, by using a high‐power monolithically integrated flared master oscillator power amplifier of 790 mW as a fundamental source.