Resonant Electron Capture in Small-Angle Collisions ofAr+on Ar andNe+on Ne

Measurements of the electron capture probability P0 have been made for single collisions of Ar+ ions with neutral Ar atoms and Ne+ ions with neutral Ne atoms, the latter measurements being an extension of work previously reported by this laboratory. The incident ions ranged in energy from 200 eV to 4 keV, the scattered particles being detected at angles ranging from 0.75° to 15° in the laboratory coordinates. A charge analysis of the scattered particles has yielded values of P0 as a function of the incident ion energy T and scattering angle θ; in both cases P0 is found to oscillate rapidly as a function of θ, with some dependence upon T also. The periodicity of P0 as a function of T and θ is consistent with a description of the collision wherein the electronic state of the ion-atom system changes adiabatically and is a superposition of symmetric and anti-symmetric energy eigenstates of the diatomic molecular ion. The data are discussed in terms of this description, yielding empirical values of an integral I, defined as the energy difference ΔE between these two eigenstates, integrated over the collision path of relative motion. For the range of collisions studied, I varied from about 6 to 26 eV-Å in the case of Ar+ on Ar, and from about 5 to 25 eV-Å in the case of Ne+ on Ne. An approximate functional dependence of I upon internuclear separation R is also obtained, although there is some evidence that ΔE may also depend upon the relative collision speed v in the case of the Ar+-on-Ar collisions. It is proposed that the ΔE measured for the gentler collisions which produce no excitation of either atomic system is the energy difference between the Πg and Πu states of the quasimolecule.