Virtual Computing Infrastructures for Nanoelectronics Simulation

The operational principles, components, and organization of a Grid-computing infrastructure called In-VIGO (standing for In Virtual Information Grid Organizations)are described. In-VIGO enables computational engineering and science in virtual information Grid organizations. Its distinctive feature is the extensive use of virtualization technologies to provide secure execution environments as needed by tools and users. This paper reviews and motivates the requirements of a cyber infrastructure for computational nanoelectronics. It then explains how such requirements are addressed by the In-VIGO middleware approach, which uses virtualized resources to build computational Grids. The architecture and key design aspects of its first deployed version-In-VIGO 1.0-are presented. It is operational and currently being used to enable the use of computational electronics tools over the Web. Aspects of the design and architecture of the next version of In-VIGO are also presented. It uses Web services standards and components, and lessons learned from In-VIGO 1.0.

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