Role of the Cliff Swallow Bug (Oeciacus Vicarius) in the Natural Cycle of a Western Equine Encephalitis-Related Alphavirus

The first isolations of an alphavirus related serologically to Western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus from naturally infected cliff swallow bugs, Oeciacus vicarius Horvath, are reported. Similar strains were isolated from Cliff Swallow and House Sparrow nestlings. Isolation of virus strains from the nest-inhabiting Cliff Swallow ectoparasites during each season of the year reveals that the swallow nest bugs can support the endemic persistence of this virus in Colorado. This overwintering capability, together with the relationship of infected bugs and susceptible nestling birds in the spring and the serologic relationship of these strains to WEE virus, suggests a possible overwintering mechanism for North American alphaviruses.