Effect of Inoculation of Whole Plant Corn Forage with Pediococcus acidilactici and Lactobacillus xylosus on Preservation of Silage and Heifer Growth

Whole plant corn silage was ensiled in plastic silo bags, with or without addition of a corn silage inoculant containing Ped- iococcus acidilactici and,Lactobacillus xylosus, to evaluate effects on end-prod- ucts of silage fermentation, apparent total tract nutrient digestibility, and perfor- mance,of Holstein heifers. Dry matter recovery,and soluble carbohydrate,con- cenmation,were higher for inoculated si- lage than for control silage following 110 d of fermentation. Differences between control and inoculated corn silage were not significant for total N, content of nitrogenous fractions and structural car- bohydrates, major fermentation acids, or pH. Following exposure to air, pH of inoculated silage was lower than control silage, suggesting greater aerobic stability for the inoculated silage. Heifers fed con- trol silage gained more body,weight and used feed more efficiently during the first 42 d of the growth mal,than did heifers fed inoculated silage. Body weight gains and DM intakes were greater for heifers fed inoculated silage than for heifers fed control silage during the second 42 d of