Combined Phacoemulsification and Pars Plana Vitrectomy

• Combined phacoemulsification and pars plana vitrectomy were performed in eight eyes with cataract and vitreoretinal disease. Six eyes had tractional retinal detachment and/or nonclearing vitreous hemorrhage, one eye had a retained metallic intraocular foreign body, and one eye had a traumatic retinal detachment. In six eyes, a posterior chamber lens implant was placed in the capsular bag. Postoperative visual acuity improved in each case and ranged between 20/15 and 6/200. There were no perioperative complications, and the posterior chamber lens implant appeared well tolerated during an average follow-up interval of 8 months (range, 3 to 30 months). This technique allows endocapsular fixation of a posterior chamber lens and provides rapid visual rehabilitation with a single operation.