Studies on contact hypersensitivity in the guinea pig The cumulative contact enhancement test

A method to determine the quantitative induction and challenge of the allergenicity of externally applied toiletries and cosmetics, including their components, is described. The experiment used oil-soluble cinnamic aldehyde and water-soluble formalin as allergens, and guinea pigs as the experimental animals. In a high sensitization method, a 24 h closed patch was attached to the skin every other day over a period of 2 wk (a total of 4 applications). Freund''s complete adjuvant was administered intradermally just before the 3rd application of the patch. The challenge step is performed by directly applying the test material. The method was compared with other allergenicity evaluation methods. It was in no way inferior in sensitization performance to other methods. The method was used on perfume mixtures and tested for its evaluation effectiveness. It was satisfactory.