A Global Oceanic Data Assimilation System

A global oceanic four-dimensional data assimilation system has been developed for use in initializing coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models and many other applications. The data assimilation system uses a high resolution global ocean model to extrapolate the information forward in time. The data inserted into the model currently consists only of conventional sea surface temperature observations and vertical temperature profiles. The data are inserted continuously into the model by updating the model's temperature solution every timestep. This update is created using a statistical interpolation routine applied to all data in a 30-day window centered on the present timestep. Large scale features in the sea surface temperature analyses are consistent with those from independent analyses. Subsurface fields created from the assimilation are much more realistic than those produced without the insertion of data. Furthermore, information contained in the assimilation field is shown to be re... Abstract A global oceanic four-dimensional data assimilation system has been developed for use in initializing coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models and many other applications. The data assimilation system uses a high resolution global ocean model to extrapolate the information forward in time. The data inserted into the model currently consists only of conventional sea surface temperature observations and vertical temperature profiles. The data are inserted continuously into the model by updating the model's temperature solution every timestep. This update is created using a statistical interpolation routine applied to all data in a 30-day window centered on the present timestep. Large scale features in the sea surface temperature analyses are consistent with those from independent analyses. Subsurface fields created from the assimilation are much more realistic than those produced without the insertion of data. Furthermore, information contained in the assimilation field is shown to be re...

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