The technic of preparation of smears from buffy coats was described. Fifty-five samples of buffy coat from healthy adults were examined. Twenty-nine were from men, 26 from women. In all cases nuclear fragments of megakaryocytes were found, on the average 21.8 nuclear fragments per 1 ml. of blood. In all cases atypical mononuclear cells, 10.2/2000 mononuclear cells, were found. In 42 of 52 examined subjects metamyelocytes and/or myelocytes were found, 3.65/3000 granulocytes. Metamyelocytes, myelocytes and nuclear fragments of megakaryocytes were more commonly found in males than in females. So-called atypical mononuclear cells were found in small number in all the subjects. Their possible pathologic significance was discussed. It was suggested that these cells were probably normal though rare elements of peripheral blood. The advantage of this method in various pathologic states was emphasized.