Potential of Average Force in a Plasma

The potential of average force W1,2qq experienced by a charge q at a distance|r1-r2| from a charge q is calculated from the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon equations of classical statistical mechanics without linearization or equivalent approximations. Diverging integrals are eliminated by the condition that bound-particle states with negative internal energy, e.g., atoms, be excluded from the partition function. The 3-particle distribution functions required for calculating W1,2qq are obtained as solutions of a nonlinearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation for the average potential in the neighborhood of two charges fixed at r1 and r2. For this latter calculation the difference between average potential and potential of average force is neglected. With the help of W1,2qq the average thermal energy of the plasma is computed and compared with the result of the linearized Debye-Hückel theory. Numerical corrections to the latter theory are presented and it is shown that linearization is a far more significant source of errors than identification of average potential with potential of average force.

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