Possible dynamical mechanisms that give rise to the unitary-symmetry mass formula of Gell-Mann and Okubo are discussed with special emphasis on a model based on ωϕ mixing. In addition to accounting for the mass formula in a rather natural manner, the ωϕ mixing model has the following distinctive features: (1) It explains why the mass formula fails for the vector meson octet. (2) It requires mρ<mM provided mπ<mK. (3) It leads to |mΞmN||mΣmΛ|, provided the couplings of the vector mesons to the baryons are predominantly of the F type (as expected from the point of view of the conserved-vector-current theory). (4) It justifies the conjecture that it is more proper to use, in the mass formula, (mass)2 for the mesons, but just the mass for the baryons. (5) The corrections to the mass formula are expected to be of the order of a few percent if the major contribution to the self-energies of the strongly interacting states comes from the region of a few BeV. A quantitative estimate of the ωϕ mixing is made, and it is shown that the observed 1020-MeV ϕ meson (the observed 780-MeV ω meson) is about a 60-40 mixture (a 40-60 mixture) in intensity of the T=0 member of a unitary octet and a unitary singlet. We also show that a pair of mass formulas of the Gell-Mann-Okubo type are "self-consistent" provided the cutoff momentum (in the perturbation-theoretic sense) is much greater than a typical difference within a unitary multiplet.

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