The effects of electrically stimulating the Flexor Reflex Afferent (FRA) on the soleus H reflexes were investigated in 34 paraplegic patients having a clinically complete spinal cord lesion. Conditioning stimuli (5–50 mA) were applied to the ipsilateral or contralateral sural nerve. The conditioning-test interval ranged from 20 to 1000 ms. A late ipsilateral flexor reflex (EMG) was found in all patients. A late contralateral extension reflex was sporadically observed in only 3 patients. The excitability curves usually showed two phases of ipsilateral H reflex inhibition and contralateral H reflex facilitation, one between 50 and 130 ms and the other after over 200 ms. These intervals correspond to early and late flexion reflexes. With high intensity stimulation the early and late ipsilateral inhibition fused. An early low threshold ipsilateral facilitation occured in 9 patients. The contralateral late facilitation was followed by prolonged inhibition in 10 patients. Changes in presynaptic inhibition were assessed by measuring the heteronymous monosynaptic Ia facilitation from quadriceps to soleus. For methodological reasons, it was only possible to investigate the effect of contralateral conditioning volleys which was performed in 5 patients. A significant and regular reduction of the heteronymous Ia facilitation was found in 4 patients. This reduction is taken to indicate that the FRA evokes presynaptic inhibition of Ia transmission to alpha motoneurones. Presynaptic inhibition was also indicated by the enhancement of a vibratory stimulus induced inhibition in 2 subjects. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the reflex organization in patients with a spinal cord section is similar to that of the acute spinal cat injected with DOPA.

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