Parton Model with Variable Intermediate-State Parton Mass

The parton model is modified by allowing the parton mass to change after absorbing the spacelike photon. Each prescription for the intermediate-state parton mass leads to a model with a definite scaling variable and to a scale-invariance-breaking factor which describes the approach to scaling. The model with Bloom et al.'s variable ω has the required linear zero in νW2 as Q20 for fixed ω, and has a scale-invariance-breaking factor which agrees with experiment for 1ω12. The prescription that the parton mass must vanish after absorbing the photon leads to the scaling variable ω^, which also occurs in the light-cone-singularity dominance model. Models which allow agreement of the sum rule for the mean squared charge per parton with experiment are given, as are models which have diffractive behavior for Q2 near zero.