Histochemical and immunohistochemical profile of pink muscle fibres in some teleosts

Summary The pink muscle of several Teleosts was examined immunohistochemically using antisera specific for the myosins of red and white muscle, and histochemically using various methods for demonstrating myosin ATPase (in ATPase) activity. In the catfish the pink muscle consists of 2 different layers of fibres. The superficial layer has a low mATPase activity after both acid and alkali pre-incubation, whereas the deeper layer has a high mATPase activity after acid and alkali pre-incubation, being more resistent to these conditions even than is the white muscle. In the trout the pink muscle is composed of fibres with the same mATPase activity as in the superficial pink muscle of the catfish, whereas in the rock goby, goldfish, mullet and guppy the pink muscle is like the deep pink layer of the catfish. Immunohistochemically the fibres of the pink muscle behave like the white muscle fibres except in the guppy and rock goby in which at the level of the lateral line there occurs a transition zone between red and pink fibres. The fibres of this region react with both anti-fast and (to a lesser extent) anti-slow myosin antisera, and have a mATPase activity which, going from the superficial to the deeper fibres, gradually loses the red muscle characteristics to acquire those of the main pink muscle layer.