Family Occurrences of Ulcerative Colitis, Regional Enteritis, and Ileocolitis

The family occurrences of ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis, and ileocolitis were investigated among 1339 patients with these diseases. Positive evidence was obtained in 66 of 1084 patients with ulcerative colitis; the 89 family members included ulcerative colitis, 75; regional enteritis, 13; and ileocolitis, one. Positive evidence was obtained in 20 of 185 patients with regional enteritis; the 22 family members included regional enteritis, 12; ulcerative colitis, 9; and ileocolitis, one. Positive evidence was obtained in 5 of 70 patients with ileocolitis; the 5 family members included 4 with ulcerative colitis and one with regional enteritis. In all, 91 of 1339 patients produced information for the occurrence of similar diseases among 114 additional family members. Ulcerative colitis was more common than regional enteritis in the families of probands with ulcerative colitis and vice versa for regional enteritis. However, the family intermingling of these diseases suggests an etiologic interrelationship.