Hopping conduction in thed-dimensional lattice bond-percolation problem

Hopping conduction of a bond-percolation model in d-dimensional lattices is studied by making use of the coherent-medium approximation. The dc conductivity vanishes when p<pc (2z) and is proportional to ppc when ppc, where p is the probability that a given bond is not broken and z is the coordination number of the lattice. In the low frequency region, the leading term of the imaginary and real parts of the ac part of the conductivity are written as A(z,d,p)f(ω) and B(z,d,p)g(ω), respectively. It is shown that when p<pc, f(ω)=ω and g(ω)=ω2, regardless of the dimensionality; at p=pc, f(ω)=g(ω)=ωd(d+2) if 1<d<2, f(ω)=g(ω)=(ωlnω)12 if d=2, and f(ω)=g(ω)=ω12 if d>2; when p>pc, f(ω)=g(ω)=ωd2 if 1<d<2, f(ω)=ωlnω and g(ω)=ω if d=2, f(ω)=ω and g(ω)=ωd2 if 2<d<4, f(ω)=ω and g(ω)=ω2