The Use of Rabbits in Standardization of Antisera Against Streptococcus Hemolyticus from Scarlet Fever and Erysipelas

Summary: Facts have been presented corroborating Frazer's and Plummer's observations on the use of rabbits for titration of antitoxic sera of hemolytic streptococcus. This titration is done on the basis of the same principle which is applied to titration of antiscarlatinal sera on children. Full-grown white rabbits with thick skin and preferably heavier than 2400 to 2500 grams were used for titrations of sera with at least the same success as the chinchilla rabbits. The variation in the degree of rabbit skin susceptibility as expressed in the number of skin test doses evoking a reaction not less than 10 by 10 mm. is similar to the same variation on human and goat skins. The incidence of rabbits giving a positive reaction to 1 to 5 S.T.D. (human) of a sterile toxin is about 40 to 60 per cent. A skin reaction produced by an intradermal injection on the ventral side of the ear as described by Veldee, is utilized by us as a preliminary test for selection of susceptible rabbits. The test dose most suitable in neutralization tests for serum titrations was found by us to be the same as in tests on humans. Test doses greater than 5 S.T.D. can also be used in groups of rabbits in which reactions to 1 and 5 S.T.D. in a preliminary ear test were found to be below the adopted Standard. Serum values obtained in titrations against different doses of the same toxin are about the same.