Correlation effects in the resonant Auger decay of the Xe 4d3/2,5/216pstates studied by high-resolution experiment and multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock theory

The deexcitation spectra of the resonantly excited Xe 4d3/2,5/216p states have been recorded with very high photon and electron energy resolution using the new Finnish beam line at Max-lab, Lund, Sweden. The high resolution enables us to resolve the fine structures of the spectra by utilizing the Auger resonant Raman effect. By comparing the detailed intensity distribution of the 4d3/2,5/216p→5p26p transitions with the results of the single-channel multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations, the strength of the configuration interaction in both the initial and final states of the resonant Auger decay is clarified. The probabilities of shake transitions are determined by both experiment and theory and the differences in the intensity distribution of spectator, shake, and normal Auger transitions are also discussed.