The PiGMaP consortium linkage map of the pig (Sus scrofa)

A linkage map of the porcine genome has been developed by segregation analysis of 239 genetic markers. Eighty-one of these markers correspond to known genes. Linkage groups have been assigned to all 18 autosomes plus the X Chromosome (Chr). As 69 of the markers on the linkage map have also been mapped physically (by others), there is significant integration of linkage and physical map data. Six informative markers failed to show linkage to these maps. As in other species, the genetic map of the heterogametic sex (male) was significantly shorter (∼16.5 Morgans) than the genetic map of the homogametic sex (female) (∼21.5 Morgans). The sex-averaged genetic map of the pig was estimated to be ∼18 Morgans in length. Mapping information for 61 Type I loci (genes) enhances the contribution of the pig gene map to comparative gene mapping. Because the linkage map incorporates both highly polymorphic Type II loci, predominantly microsatellites, and Type I loci, it will be useful both for large experiments to map quantitative trait loci and for the subsequent isolation of trait genes following a comparative and candidate gene approach.