Maize root mitochondrial have been subfractionated after osmotic rupture. A calcium-calmodulin-dependent NAD-kinase activity has been shown to be present in both inner and outer membrane fractions. Cytochrome c-reductase activities are also associated with outer and inner membrane fractions but whereas the former is entirely insensitive to 50 μmol·1-1 antimycin A the latter is reduced by 60% in its presence. This residual antimycin A-insensitive cytochrome c-reductase activity cosediments with the major portion of NAD-kinase activity and equilibrates in sucrose gradients at densities around 1.146 g·cm-3. Rate zonal centrifugation with renografin allows an excellent separation of both cytochrome c-reductase and NAD-kinase activities. We have no evidence for allocating NAD-kinase activity to endo- or plasma membranes.