Non-invasive quantitative evaluation of aortic regurgitation using an ultrasonic pulsed doppler flowmeters.

The severity of aortic regurgitation (AR) is usually evaluated using cineaortography, but this procedure cannot be carried out easily because of its invasive nature. For estimating the severity of AR non-invasively as well as quantitatively, the blood flow in the aortic arch was measured using an ultrasonic pulsed Doppler flowmeter (UPDF) from a suprasternal notch. The regurgitant ratio was calculated from the waves of relative flow volume and compared with the severity determined cineaortographically. Reproducible waves of the aortic arch flow were recorded in all normal subjects and also in 19 of 23 patients with AR. Distinctive waves of the regurgitant flow, which could not be seen in normal subjects, were recorded in AR except for some mild cases. The regurgitant ratio obtained from the UPDF corresponded well with the severity based on the cineaortogram. Apparently, the UPDF is clinically useful and reliable for quantifying AR non-invasively.