Trigeminal neuralgia: a quantitative sensory perception threshold study in patients who had not undergone previous invasive procedures

✓ The authors investigated 28 patients with “idiopathic” trigeminal neuralgia who had undergone no previous invasive procedures; together these patients had a total of 50 affected trigeminal divisions. Quantitative sensory perception thresholds were measured before operation. Preoperative measurements in the affected divisions indicated raised thresholds for touch (von Frey filaments) and temperature, but not for pinprick or heat pain, in agreement with the findings of Nurmikko. Only the tactile threshold was also significantly affected in the unaffected divisions on the affected side. The authors discuss their findings in relation to the pathophysiology of trigeminal neuralgia, concluding that the origin of the condition is almost certainly central to the gasserian ganglion.