Perturbative QCD one-loop corrections to the cross sections of the bb¯(cc¯) quark pair production in polarized photon-photon collisions, as well as cross sections of the radiative processes γγbb¯g, cc¯g, leading to two- and three-jet final states are calculated. It is shown that the signal from the intermediate-mass Higgs boson is observable and precise measurements of the Higgs boson two-photon width are possible at a photon-photon collider, although the statistical significance is substantially reduced with respect to the tree-level calculations. We demonstrate that virtual corrections are of the same order as or larger than the Born contribution in the Jz=0 channel at high energy for small values of the cutoff ycut separating two-jet from three-jet topologies. The nature of these large corrections is elucidated. For bb¯ pair production at sγγ100 GeV and for small values of ycut<~0.04 the higher-order resummation of double logarithmic terms O(αsmb2sln2(smb2)) is needed.