Measurement of the lifetime of theP13metastable state of Mg by dye-laser excitation

We have measured the lifetime of the P13 metastable state of Mg and obtained a value of 2.2 ± 0.2 msec. The level was excited with a dye laser tuned to the intercombination line (3s3pP133s2S01). In addition to the P13 state, the P23 and P03 levels were populated by mixing collisions owing to the presence of an inert buffer gas. The populations of all three metastable levels were monitored as a function of time by observing the absorption of Mg resonance radiation (P0,1,23S13) out of each level. The mixing time was short compared to the P13 lifetime, so that the populations of the three metastable levels were in thermal equilibrium with each other. This produced an apparent lengthening of the P13 lifetime, which would introduce a large systematic error if the degree of mixing were not known. Cenventionally, one observes the fluorescence from the excited levels to obtain their lifetimes. Because the lifetimes of the P23 and P03 states are too long, fluorescence from these states cannot be observed, and the observation of fluorescence from the P13 state alone provides insufficient information to determine its lifetime.