Effect of Dietary Fat and D-Thyroxine on the Incorporation of Acetate-1-14C into Egg Yolk Lipids

The effect of high fat diets and D-thyroxine treatment on the distribution of 14C and the absolute acetate incorporation into the yolk lipid fractions of eggs from hens given acetate-1-14C orally was determined. Acetate incorporation into total yolk lipids was decreased when either safflower oil or animal fat was fed at a level of 30%, but incorporation into the cholesterol fraction was not changed. The distribution of acetate-14C (ratio of 14C in a particular fraction to the 14C in total lipids) increased in the cholesterol fraction and decreased in triglycerides; 14C distribution increased slightly in the phospholipid fraction when safflower oil was fed and decreased slightly when animal fat was fed. D-Thyroxine injection resulted in an increased recovery of the isotope, with most of the increased radioactivity located in the triglyceride fraction. Regardless of treatment, the distribution of 14C increased with time in the cholesterol fraction and decreased with time in the triglyceride fraction, whereas it was constant with time in the phospholipid fraction.