Dicoccum Corda

Dicoccum Corda, and its type species D. minutissimum are considered to be nomina ambigua. There has been no consistency in the application of the name Dicoccum even by Corda, who described seven species in the genus; these now are considered to belong to at least five different genera of Fungi Imperfecti. Twenty other taxa in the genus are enumerated and shown to belong to 14 additional genera of Fungi Imperfecti. Redispositions include Fnsicladium lathyrinum (Ell. & Gall.) comb. nov., F. psoraleae (Ell. & Barth.) comb. nov., Septoidium glaziovii (Allesch.) comb. nov., Spilocaea nebulosa (Ell. & Everh.) comb. nov., and Triadelphia inquinans (Sacc.) comb. nov.

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