Adjuvant CMF effect on site of first recurrence, and appropriate follow-up intervals, in operable breast cancer with positive axillary nodes

From June 1973 to May 1978 a total of 845 patients with operable breast cancer were entered into different adjuvant programs. The medical records of the 278 patients showing relapse were carefully re-evaluated to assess the pattern(s) of first recurrence and the consistency of follow-up modulation. Ninety-one of 179 patients treated with surgery alone, 130 of 414 given 12 cycles of adjuvant CMF and 57 of 252 treated with 6 cycles of CMF showed treatment failure within 5 years from radical mastectomy. Thefrequency of new disease manifestations was significantly affected by primary treatment, since patients given adjuvant CMF showed a lower tendency to recur in local-regional area(s) and in bone(s). However, in relapsed patients,patterns of new lesions were not substantially altered by type of primary treatment. The most frequently involved sites were soft tissues (37.8%) and bones (37%) followed by viscera (34.2%). Retrospective evaluation of X-rays revealed that in 26.2% of osseous metastases, diagnosis could have been assessed earlier, with a median delay of 4 months (range 1–8). Present analysis also revealed that short-term repeated X-ray examinations yielded findings more controversial than reliable for assessing the exact time of relapse, thus preventing firm conclusions in the presence of suspicious recurrence. A new follow-up schedule after completion of adjuvant chemotherapy is proposed, since on the basis of our experience, in asymptomatic patients frequently repeated examinations are not necessary and some can safely be omitted.