Proteases Associated with Arthus Skin Lesions: Their Purification and Biological Significance (Preliminary Report)

The SH-dependent proteases (I and II) responsible for the development of Arthus hypersensitivity reaction [in bovine serum-sensitized rabbits] were extracted in the euglobulin fraction of the skin lesions and highly purified by column chromatography using Sephadex G-50, DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and GE-cellulose in this order. They behaved each as an almost homogeneous substance on electrophoresis. The optimum pH of these proteases was 7.1 which was a pH value adequate for their action in the Arthus skin site. They were different from cathepsins D and E. Intradermal injections of these SH-dependent proteases (I and n) induced rapid development of local cutaneous lesions similar to those of the Arthus skin lesions in both gross and microscopic features. Another SH-independent protease was also isolated from the Arthus skin lesions, but it was ineffective in causing an inflammatory reaction on experimental injection; this SH-independent protease may not play a significant part for the development of Arthus reaction.