In a molecular beam apparatus, a thermal beam of aluminum atoms (≈ 1700°K) intersects an uncollimated thermal beam of ozone molecules (300°K) and the resulting visible chemiluminescence is recorded with a 1 m scanning monochromator. The chemiluminescence spectrum consists of (1) the AlO B 2Σ+−X 2Σ+ blue-green system for which we have assigned bands to the strongly structured features in the region 4200–4900 Å, and (2) more intense weakly structured features in the region 4500–8500 Å, which appear to be emission from a polyatomic aluminum oxide on which there seems to be superimposed the AlO B 2Σ+−A 2Π band system. From the chemiluminescent spectrum a minimum value of 5.13±0.05 eV is deduced for the dissociation energy of the ground state of aluminum oxide. By accepting the upper limit of 5.20 eV deduced by MacDonald and Innes from Tyte's shock tube absorption data, we recommend the value D00(AlO)=5.15± 0.5 eV.

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