Minimally Invasive Surgery for Zenker Diverticulum

SURGICAL TREATMENT of Zenker diverticulum is indicated to relieve symptoms, such as dysphagia and regurgitation, and to prevent aspiration pneumonia. The standard operation includes cricopharyngeal myotomy and diverticulectomy or diverticulum suspension through a left cervicotomy. Myotomy alone may be sufficient in small diverticula.1,2 The endoscopic approach, first proposed by Mosher,3 consists of division of the septum interposed between the pouch and the cervical esophagus, thus establishing a common cavity with simultaneous section of the upper esophageal sphincter. This procedure has been performed using electrocoagulation or laser; although the results appear satisfactory, complications such as bleeding, perforation and stenosis, and the need for repeated treatment have been reported.4,5

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