Screening for Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs in Biological Specimens by Radioimmunoassay

Antisera to nortriptyline and desipramine were produced in rabbits against their succinylated derivatives conjugated to bovine serum albumin and bovine thyroglobulin, respectively. The antibodies thus produced were shown to be specific for tricyclic antidepressant group of drugs. Some of the phenothiazines cross-reacted in higher concentrations. The assay was useful when either antibody was combined with generally or specifically tritium-labelled amitriptyline and nortriptyline. The sensitivity of the assay is in 2–5 nanogram range and is usful in screening for use and abuse of tricyclics by man. Comparison of RIA results with thin-layer and gas chromatography have been made, and good agreement is reported. Combined with a thin-layer and/or gas-chromatographic confirmation, the test is well suited for detection and exclusion of these compounds in biological specimens.