Multiple components in horse-radish peroxidase

The peroxidases of horse-radish juice and the latex serum of Ficus macrophylla were examined by filter-paper electrophoresis. Horse-radish contains possibly 5 components with peroxidase activity; Ficus macrophylla, one. There is great seasonal variation in the relative amounts of the peroxidase components present in horse-radish juice; one of the 2 major components is absent in the late spring. A major component is always present in horse-radish juice which corresponds to the peroxidase II of Theorell; other material probably corresponding to his peroxidase I is also present. Two components were discovered which are negatively charged at pH 5.0 and cannot be equated with either peroxidase I or n. One of these has a positive peroxidatic activity against benzidine and little or none against quaiacol; all the components show some differences in reactivity towards various substrates.