NMR study in the superconducting silicon clathrate compound NaxBaySi46

Si29, Na23, Ba137, and Ba135 NMR experiments were carried out in the superconducting silicon clathrate compound Nax Bay Si46 to study the electronic states above the superconducting transition temperature. We observed three distinct Si29 signals with different Knight shift (2036, 862, and 720 ppm at 90 K with a small temperature dependence of ∼10%), which were ascribed to inequivalent Si sites in the Si46 structure. The results indicate that the conduction-electron spin and/or charge density is strongly site-dependent. At all the atomic sites, the Korringa relation in NMR relaxation was observed, indicative of metallic electronic structure with moderate electronic correlation. The Na and Ba atoms are partially ionized in Nax Bay Si46, which shows the noticeable difference from the system of alkali-metal-doped fullerides. The comparison with band calculations is discussed. © 1996 The American Instituteof Physics