Assessment of autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson's disease: The SCOPA‐AUT

We developed a questionnaire to assess autonomic symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and evaluated its reliability and validity. Based on the results of a postal survey in 46 PD patients, 21 multiple system atrophy patients, and 8 movement disorders specialists, items were included according to their frequency, burden, and clinical relevance. The questionnaire was evaluated in 140 PD patients and 100 controls, and test–retest reliability was established in a sample of 55 PD patients. The SCOPA-AUT consists of 25 items assessing the following regions: gastrointestinal (7), urinary (6), cardiovascular (3), thermoregulatory (4), pupillomotor (1), and sexual (2 items for men and 2 items for women) dysfunction. Test–retest reliability was good. Autonomic problems increased significantly with increasing disease severity for all autonomic regions, except sexual dysfunction. We conclude that SCOPA-AUT is a reliable and valid questionnaire that evaluates autonomic dysfunction in PD. © 2004 Movement Disorder Society