Angular Distribution of Alpha Particles Emitted by OrientedNp237Nuclei

Np237 nuclei were aligned through the electric quadrupole and magnetic hyperfine couplings in NpO2Rbz(NO3)3, cooled to 0.2-4.2°K. A complete experiment, with rotatable monocrystalline sample, solid-state counter, thermometer, and goniometer, was enclosed in a copper container filled with He3 gas and thermally attached to ½ mole of paramagnetic salt which could be cooled magnetically. The measured temperature dependence of the α-particle anisotropy gives A<0, P>0 for the signs of the hyperfine coupling constants in NpO2++. The α particles were observed to be emitted preferentially along the direction of the nuclear angular momentum vector. The results are consistent with Pπ bonding in the NpO2++ ion and with Hill and Wheeler's prediction of the role of barrier penetration in α emission from nonspherical nuclei.