The velocity profile in the canine ascending aorta and its effects on the accuracy of pulsed Doppler determinations of mean blood velocity

The velocity profile in the ascending aorta, which has been variously reported as parabolic, skewed or flat, was measured using an intraluminal probe equipped with a miniature piezoelectric crystal activated by a 20 MHz pulsed Doppler with a 1 mm3 sample volume size. Phasic velocities, determined via spectral analyses, were obtained at 2 mm intervals across the aortic lumen of anaesthetised open-chest dogs by sequentially moving the crystal between posterior and anterior walls, maintaining the ultrasound beam parallel to the flow axis. Range-gating allowed data acquisition 3.5 mm proximal to the crystal, thus eliminating probe induced turbulence. Time and spatial distributions of velocities over the cross-section were computed. Expected errors in vessel mean velocity estimates based on point measurements were calculated. Analysis of phasic waveforms showed increased posterior velocities during systole but third order regression analysis of normalised point mean velocities across the lumen showed the best fit was a statistically flat straight line. Centreline referenced analyses indicated the expected difference between point mean velocity and vessel mean velocity was maximal (19.3±10.1%) 4 mm toward the posterior wall and minimal (4.7±9.1%) 5 mm toward the anterior wall. Anterior and posterior wall referenced analyses indicated the most reliable position for estimating vessel mean velocity from point mean velocity along this axis was 5 mm from the anterior wall.