Immunogenicity of Diaspirin Cross-Linked Human Hemoglobin Solutions

To assess the potential immunogenicity of human diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin (DCLHb) solution, repetitive doses of this material were given intravenously to rhesus monkeys at monthly intervals and the immune response to this challenge was assessed. Serum samples collected at multiple intervals throughout the study showed no evidence of DCLHb specific IgG or IgM production. Intradermal skin tests performed one month after the final DCLHb infusion were also negative. These data demonstrate that DCLHb is not antigenic when administered intravenously to rhesus monkeys. In addition, screening of a panel of normal human sera for pre-existing anti-DCLHb IgG antibodies was negative, suggesting that this modified hemoglobin is unlikely to be antigenic in humans.